Продаю аккаунт срочно!!! Всё честно

3 месяца назад

Hi, guys) My name is Kirill, I`m from Russia. I want sell my Pubg mobile to YOU. I do this, because I haven`t enough time to play PUBG. If you have some questions, you can text me to email: [email protected] So, let`s check my account. INFO: Login: Only Twitter (But if you want. you can connect one more or change) Device: I played on Ipad 2019 and on Iphone 11. Inventory: Outfit: 4 mythical, 18 legendary and other. Hats: 4 mythical, 10 legendary and other. Masks: 2 mythical, 7 legendary and other. Others: 3 legendary Helmets: 4 Backpacks: 6 Ornaments: 5 Gun skins: 29 Plane skins: 5 Parachute skins: 18 Vehicles: 1 Modify UAZ (lv. 3), 2 motorcycles and 1 buggy. Emotions: 24 However I have 21 premium crates, it is a small bonuse for YOU. Achievments: 3665 Achievment Points 5 titles: Season 14 Ace, Well-liked, Overachiever, Warhorse and Bromance. Current Rank: Crown III (season 15) RP rank 100 (season 15) I have time to get Blackwing Outfit (4800 rp) CLICK HERE Inventory screenshot. (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AptIE-tlf-yIhTPZIIm5bTYZpLmk?e=YoKsdB) Inventory screenshot. (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AptIE-tlf-yIhTPZIIm5bTYZpLmk?e=YoKsdB) My nick: ICE』Gazpacho Id: 518894121 Уместен торг)


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К сожалению, участились факты мошенничества и нам приходиться скрывать контактные данные с целью безопасности.







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